🏅 國家海洋研究院之「海洋探索 Marine Research」專業期刊徵稿 Call for papers


國家海洋研究院之「海洋探索Marine Research」專業期刊徵稿

國家海洋研究院定位為「國家海洋智庫」,致力於海洋政策、資源、文化、科學、產業、工程跨學科領域之學術研究,以「整合國家海洋研究量能、開拓海洋研究視野」為辦刊宗旨,爰發行專業期刊「海洋探索」,英文名稱為Marine Research。凡是與海洋領域相關之議題,均歡迎踴躍投稿,共同耕耘這塊學術新園地。


國家海洋研究院定位為「國家海洋智庫」,致力於海洋政策、資源、文化、科學、產業、工程跨學科領域之學術研究,以「整合國家海洋研究量能、開拓海洋研究視野」為辦刊宗旨,爰發行專業期刊「海洋探索」,英文名稱為Marine Research。於109年發行試刊號



  • ​✔海洋事務研究
  • 海洋資源和漁業管理
  • 救生和救援
  • 海洋保護及教育


  • 海洋法律及政策
  • 海洋文化研究
  • 島嶼和島民社會經濟
  • 島嶼人文及文化發展


  • 海洋科學研究
  • 海洋觀測及數據庫分析
  • 污染控制和管理
  • 氣候變遷


  • 海洋生物及棲地保護
  • 海洋生物科技研發
  • 海洋入侵物種防控技術
  • 海洋生態


  • 海洋可再生能源研究
  • 防災技術
  • 海洋產業
  • 海岸工程








  • 發行人 邱永芳 國家海洋研究院 院長
  • 總編輯 陳建宏 國家海洋研究院 副院長
  • 編輯委員(依中文筆畫排序)
    江茂雄 國立臺灣大學工程科學及海洋工程學系 教授
    邱文彥 國立臺灣海洋大學海洋事務與資源管理研究所 講座教授
    洪慶章 國立中山大學海洋科學系 教授
    莫顯蕎 國立中山大學海洋科學系 兼任教授
    陳彥宏 台灣海事安全與保安研究會 理事長
    陳國棟 中央研究院歷史語言研究所 研究員
    陳璋玲 國立成功大學海洋科技與事務研究所 教授
    楊文昌 國家海洋研究院海洋科學及資訊研究中心 主任
    蕭士俊 國立成功大學水利及海洋工程學系 教授
    嚴宏洋 國立海洋生物博物館 特聘講座教授


Marine Research is a refereed open-access journal published original peer-reviewed research, by the National Academy of Marine Research (NAMR). The development and management of marine require the insights of a number of monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary as well as integral studies and approaches. The different disciplines may range from the natural and physical sciences to the social sciences, policy analysis, economics, and marine culture.

We would like to invite you to submit a manuscript for publication in our Marine Research. The article related to Marine Culture, Marine Industry development, Marine Science, Marine Ecology, Marine Education and Training, etc.

Aims & Scope

Marine Research is a refereed open-access journal published original peer-reviewed research, by the National Academy of Marine Research (NAMR). The development and management of marine require the insights of a number of monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary as well as integral studies and approaches. The different disciplines may range from the natural and physical sciences to the social sciences, policy analysis, economics, and marine culture. The first issue was published in 2021.

Examples of topics covered by the journal include, but are not limited to, the following:

Marine Affairs

  • ​✔Marine Affairs Research
  • ✔Marine Resources and fisheries management
  • ✔Lifesaving and Rescue
  • ✔Marine Conservation/Education


Marine policy and Culture

  • ✔Marine laws and policies
  • ✔Marine Culture’s research
  • ✔the socio-economic systems of islands and islanders
  • ✔the humanities and cultural issues pertaining to the marine and island environment

Marine Science and Technology

  • ✔marine science research
  • ✔marine observation and marine database analysis
  • ✔Pollution control and management
  • ✔climate adaptation


Marine Ecology and Conservation

  • ✔Conservation of marine organism and habitat
  • ✔Research and development of marine biotechnology
  • ✔Prevention and control technique of marine invasive species
  • ✔marine ecology


Marine Industry and Engineering

  • ✔Research and technology for marine renewable energy
  • ✔Disaster prevention technology
  • ✔Marine industry
  • ✔Coastal Engineering

Guide for Contributors

Submissions are welcome from researchers worldwide. Manuscripts must be original and not previously published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

Guide for Contributors

Word Format

To contact the Marine Research editorial office, please email 

Editorial Board

    Yung-Fang, Chiu, President of National Academy of Marine Research
  • Editor-in-Chief:
    Jiahn-Horng Chen, Ph.D. Senior Vice President of National Academy of Marine Research.
  • Board of Editors: (In alphabetical order)
    Chin-Chang Hung, Ph.D. College of Marine Sciences, NSYSU
    Chung-Ling Chen, Ph.D. Institute of Ocean Technology and Marine Affairs, NCKU
    Hin-Kiu Mok, Ph.D. College of Marine Sciences, NSYSU
    Hong-Young Yan, Ph.D. National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium
    Kuo-Tung Chen, Ph.D. Institute of History and Philology, A.S.
    Mao-Hsiung Chiang, Ph.D. Development of Engineering Science And Ocean Engineering, NTU
    Shih-Chun Hsiao, Ph.D. Department of Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, NCKU
    Solomon Chen, Ph.D. Taiwan Association of Maritime Safety and Security
    Wen-Chang Yang, Ph.D. Director of Marine Science and Information Research Center, NAMR
    Wen-Yen Chiu, Ph.D. Institute of Marine Resource Management, NTCU

連絡人contact person
國家海洋研究院 陳小姐

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