Apply for internship on campus
計畫主持人 Project Director |
系(所) Department |
水圈學院水產科技產業博士班 Program of Aquatic Science and Technology, College of Hydrosphere Science |
委託單位名稱 Commissioning Company/Institution Name |
計畫代碼 Project Number |
計畫名稱 Title of Proposal |
計畫執行期間 Project Period |
年 月 日 至 年 月 日 year month day to year month day |
實習期間 Internship Period |
年 月 日 至 年 月 日 year month day to year month day |
計畫簡述 Project Abstract |
實習學生 Internship Student Name |
班級 Class |
姓名 Name |
學號 Student ID Number |
實習類型 Internship Types (工作型/一般型) (Get pay / General) |
實習內容 Internship Abstract (請列點說明) List of points |
注意事項 Note |
1.學生參與計畫期間應配合教師教導,如有違規事件,應接受校規及相關法規處置。 Students should cooperate with the internship tutor during the internship period. If any violation events, it should be dealt with by our school rules and related regulations. 2.依據學生職場實習管理實施要點規定,學生參與公民營機構委託本校之專案計畫,其計畫執行期程需至少半年以上,且每計畫以四位學生參與為限,實務專題課程不得認列實習畢業門檻。 According to the regulations on the implementation of students’ workplace practice management, each student's Internship Period should be over 6 months, and each project is limited to 4 students to study. 3.請檢附該用印後專案計畫合約書(含合約期限)或相關證明文件。 Please attach this project contract (including the contract period) or relevant supporting documents. 4.同意書簽畢後送回實習生所屬系(所)辦歸檔留存。 After finishing all the stamps of procedure, please deliver this to Department. |
學生 Student Signature |
計畫主持人 Project Director Signature (兼學校實習輔導老師) (Also be the Internship tutor) |
系所單位主管 Dean Signature |
實習承辦單位 Internship Division 【陸上實習】校友中心 【海上實習】海洋科技發展處 |