💰 (For 2019 Spring Semester Admission)國立高雄科技大學優秀國際學生獎學金作業要點 Regulations of NKUST Scholarship for Outstanding Foreign Doctoral Students


Guidelines for Outstanding International Student Scholarship of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology


Approved at the 4th Administrative Meeting of Academic Year 2017 on April 18th, 2018


Revised and Approved at the 6th Administrative Meeting of Academic Year 2018 on February 28th, 2019


I. The Guidelines for Outstanding International Student Scholarship of (hereinafter as the Guidelines) of National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (hereinafter as NKUST) are established to encourage outstanding international students to study at NKUST and promote campus internationalization.


II. Eligibility:


1. New students (hereinafter as New Students) applying for admission in accordance with the Studying Guidelines of International Student and international students currently studying at NKUST (hereinafter as Current Students) are eligible.


2. The following international students with official student registrations are not qualified for scholarships specified in this Guidelines:

1. 僑生、陸生、雙聯學制、及短期交換學生。

(1) Overseas Chinese students, students with People’s Republic China nationality, Dual Degree students, and short-term exchange students

2. 延畢生。

(2) Students with delayed graduation

3. 外國學生專班之學生。

(3) International students of special programs


III. Application Time:


1. New Students: Applications for scholarships should be submitted along with applications for admission.


2. Current Students: Applications for scholarships should be submitted to students’ academic department before the announced deadline. Overdue applications will not be accepted.


IV. Scholarship Types, Amount, Quota, and Requirements:


1. Undergraduate Student

1. 學士班新生獎學金,申請入學時符合以下條件,經審核通過者,每月新臺幣三千元。

(1) Scholarship for New Undergraduate Students: Students who apply for admission and meet the following requirements, and pass the evaluation process will receive a monthly stipend of NT$3,000.

(1) 華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)B級以上成績或證書。

(A)A certificate or a score of Band B or above in the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL)

(2) 馬來西亞教育文憑(SPM)華文成績C以上成績單。

(B)A transcript of the Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) in which the Chinese subject is Grade C or above

(3) 馬來西亞獨中統一考試華文成績C以上成績單。

(C)A transcript of the Unified Examination Certificate of Malaysia (UEC) in which the Chinese subject is Grade C or above

2. 學士班在校生獎學金,符合以下條件,經審核通過者,每月新臺幣三千元。

(2) Scholarship for Current Undergraduate Students: Students meeting the following requirements through the evaluation process will receive a monthly stipend of NT$3,000.

(1) 申請者前學期至少修習六學分,且其學業成績前一學期總平均需達七十五分以上。

(A)Applicants who have taken at least 6 credits from the previous semester and have an average score of 75 or above

(2) 前學期參與競賽成績優異或其他特殊表現,經系所主管推薦者。

(B)Applicants who have achieved excellent results in competitions or have other outstanding performance in the previous semester with recommendations from the department chair

3. 免學雜費及學分費(不包含住宿、書籍及保險等費用)。

(3) Tuition and credit fee waiver (excluding housing, books and insurance fees)

(1) 新生於入學申請時審查受獎資格,並由當年度正式錄取之新生給獎。

(A)Qualifications will be evaluated when New Students apply for admission. Tuition fee will be waived for students who are accepted at that academic year.

(2) 在校生申請者前學期至少修習六學分,且其學業成績前一學期總平均需達七十五分以上。

(B)Current Undergraduate Students who wish to apply for the waiver should have taken at least 6 credits in the previous semester with an average score of 75 or above.


2. Master Student:

1. 碩士新生獎學金:符合以下條件之一者,經審核通過者,每月新臺幣六千元。

(1) Scholarship for New Master Student: Students meeting one of the following requirements, and pass the evaluation process will receive a monthly stipend of NT$6,000.

(1) 華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)B級以上成績或證書。

(A) A certificate or a score of Band B or above in the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCEL)

(2) 非英語系國家,英文檢定成績達IELTS5.5或其他同等英語語言檢定資格。

(B) Students from non-English speaking countries who have obtained an IELTS overall band of 5.5 or above or an equivalent level in other English language proficiency tests

2. 免學雜學費及學分費(不包含住宿、書籍及保險等費用)。

(2) Tuition fee waiver (excluding housing, books and insurance fees)

(1) 新生於入學申請時審查受獎資格,並由當年度正式錄取之新生給獎。

(A) Qualifications will be evaluated when New Students apply for admission. Tuition and credit fee will be waived for students who are accepted at that academic year.

(2) 在校生於前學期至少修習三學分,且前學期學業成績總平均需達八十二分以上。

(B) Current Master Students who wish to apply for the waiver should have taken at least 3 credits in the previous semester with an average score of 82 or above.

3. 碩士留校獎學金:為學士階段即於本校就讀,繼續就讀本校碩士班者。獎學金新臺幣五千元,每人限申請一次。

(3) Scholarship for students who continue to study in a Master program: NT$5000 will be granted to students who complete their undergraduate program at NKUST and continue to study in a master program at the same university. Each student can only apply once.


3. Ph.D. Student:

1. 博士新生獎學金:於入學時審查受獎生資格,經審核通過者,每月新臺幣一萬二千元。

(1) Scholarship for New Ph.D. Students: Qualifications will be evaluated when new students apply for admission. Students meeting the evaluation criteria will receive a monthly stipend of NT$12,000.

2. 博士生在校生獎學金:

(2) Scholarship for Current Ph.D. Students:

(1) 申請博士班二年級獎學金者,前ㄧ學期學業平均成績須達八十二分以上,且至少發表一篇國際研討會或國際期刊之論文發表或被接受刊登,並且為第一作者或通訊作者之證明,每位得獲每月新臺幣一萬二千元。該國際研討會或國際期 刊論文不得用於第三年及第四年獎學金申請。

(A) Students applying for scholarships in the 2nd year of doctoral program should obtain an average academic score of 82 or above from the previous semester and have at least one paper presented at an international conference or one paper accepted for publication or published in an international journal as the first author or the corresponding author. Each recipient will be awarded a stipend of NT$12,000. However, the paper cannot be reused for the application for the 3rd or 4th year Ph.D. scholarship.

(2) 申請博士班三年級獎學金者,須新增一篇國際期刊之論文發表或被接受刊登,並且為第一作者或通訊作者之證明,每位得獲每月新臺幣一萬二千元。

(B) Students applying for scholarships in the 3rd year doctoral program must submit one additional paper accepted for publication or published in an international journal as the first author or the corresponding author. Each recipient will be awarded a monthly stipend of NT$12,000.

(3) 申請博士班四年級獎學金者,須累計至少二篇國際期刊之論文發表或被接受刊登,並且為第一作者或通訊作者之證明,每位得獲每月新臺幣一萬二千元;如無法新增國際期刊論文者,每位得獲每月新臺幣八千元。

(C) Students applying for scholarships in the 4th year program accumulate at least two papers published or accepted to be published in an international journal as the first author or corresponding author. Each recipient will be awarded a monthly stipend of NT$12,000. If an applicant is unable to submit one additional paper in an international journal, he or she will receive a monthly stipend of NT$8,000.

(4) 國際化獎助學金審議小組得就申請學生中,就其對本校研究、專利技轉、競賽 有卓越貢獻者至多八名,每位得獲每月獎學金新臺幣二萬元。

(D) The International Student Scholarship Evaluation Committee can consider granting an applicant who has an outstanding contribution to NKUST in research, patent transfer or competition up to NT$20,000 per month. The maximum number of recipients for this stipend is eight students.

3. 免學雜費及學分費:

(3) Tuition fee waiver:

(1) 新生於入學申請時審查受獎資格,並由當年度正式錄取之新生給獎。

(A) Qualifications will be evaluated when New Students apply for admission. Tuition and credit fee will be waived for students who are accepted at that academic year.

(2) 二年級申請者前學期學業成績總平均需達八十二分以上;申請第三年及第四年獎學金者,須提交一篇國際期刊論文。

(B) Students applying for the 2nd year scholarship should have an average academic score of 82 or above from the previous semester. Students applying for the 3rd year and 4th year scholarship have to submit a paper published in an international journal.

4. 本要點所稱國際期刊論文係指,SCISSCIA&HCIABI論文,申請者須提供已刊出之國際期刊論文影本,或已接受刊登之證明。

(4) The international journal paper mentioned in the Guidelines refers to a paper published in a journal indexed in SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, or ABI. Applicants must provide a copy of the published paper or proof of acceptance for publication.

5. 上述申請者,如能取得「指導教授承諾書」,可另獲由教師自籌經費支出之獎學金每月新臺幣六千元或每年新臺幣七萬二千元,其金額由指導授師自行承諾與支付作業。

(5) If the aforementioned applicant is able to obtain the signed academic advisor commitment form, he or she is qualified for a monthly stipend of NT$6,000 or NT$72,000 per year arranged through and paid by the academic advisor.


V. External Scholarship Awards Scheme:


1. A recipient of the Taiwan Scholarship from the Ministry of Education whose tuition fee is subsidized by the Ministry of Education is eligible for a partial tuition waiver for the insufficient amount.


2. A recipient of Taiwan Scholarship from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is qualified for receiving an additional award of NT$50,000. Each student can apply only once.


VI. Apart from meeting the qualifications specified in Article V of the Guidelines, a recipient of scholarships from the Taiwanese government, a foreign government, or an organization inside or outside of NKUST and who is eligible for scholarships of NKUST can apply for a tuition subsidy when the amount of the scholarship received is lower than the tuition in the current semester or academic year.


VII. Undergraduate students of a four-year program can apply for and receive a scholarship for no more than four academic years. Undergraduate students of a two-year program can apply for and receive a scholarship for no more than two academic years. Master students can apply for and receive a scholarship for no more than two academic years. Ph.D. students can apply for and receive a scholarship for no more than four academic years, excluding the periods of leave of absence.


VIII. Requirements of Documents:


1. New Student

1. 申請表。

1) Application form

2. 中文或英文個人簡歷一份。

(2) One copy of personal resume in Chinese or English

3. 中文或英文最高學歷之在學成績單。

(3) Academic transcript of the highest education in Chinese or English

4. 若有參加所屬國全國性統一考試者,須附一份統一考試成績。

(4) Transcript of a joint examination if the applicant has attended the national examination

5. 中文或英文推薦信二份。

(5) Two recommend letters in Chinese or English

6. 中英文語言能力檢定成績。

(6) Certificate of Chinese and English language proficiency tests

7. 其它相關學業及課外活動證明之文件。

(7) Certificates of related courses and extracurricular activities


. Current Undergraduate Student (excluding first-year students)

1. 申請表。

(1) Application form

2. 當學期成績單。

(2) Transcript of the current semester

3. 其他有利佐證資料。

(3) Other proof of documents


3. Current Master and Ph.D. Student:

1. 申請表。

(1) Application form

2. 當學期成績單。

(2) Transcript of the current semester

3. 國際研討會或國際期刊之論文發表或被接受刊登,並且為第一作者或通訊作者之證明。

(3) Proof of a paper presented in an international conference or a paper accepted by or published in an international journal as the first author or the corresponding author

4. 其他有利佐證資料。

(4) Other proof of documents


IX. Scholarship Evaluation Procedure


1. New Student: All documents will be collected by the Office of International Affairs and submitted to the International Student Scholarship Evaluation Committee for review and the result of which should be approved by the President.


2. Current Student: Each college should provide a list of students in the order of recommendation and submit the list to the Office of International Affairs. The amount of scholarship should be reviewed by the International Student  Scholarship Evaluation Committee and then approved by the President.


X. Scholarship Payment


1. Except for the Scholarship for New Students, the scholarship specified in this Guidelines is a semester scholarship that is paid monthly.

(二)受獎新生、在校生於開學日完成註冊手續後,每月提出評核表,送交國際事務處 辦理獎學金發放事宜。

2. After the scholarship recipients (New Students and Current Students) completed their registration process at the beginning of the semester, they should submit an evaluation form monthly to the Office of International Affairs for subsequent scholarship payments.


XI. Termination and Resumption of Scholarship


1. Except for the conditions specified in Article IV and V of the Guidelines, students who receive scholarships specified in the Guidelines must not receive other scholarships of the current year; otherwise, the scholarship qualification will be revoked. Any overpaid scholarship, once verified, should be returned by the recipient.


2. The scholarship qualification will be revoked for New Students or Current Students who fail to complete the registration of the current semester or academic year, fail to retain their student status, transfer to other school or leave the school.


3. After completing the registration, if a recipient has left the school for over one month (excluding winter and summer vacation) during the scholarship award period without the approval from the department chair, his or her scholarship qualification will be revoked.

(四)受獎人於我國停留期間,如有觸犯我國刑事法律並經起訴或行為嚴重失當而影響 校譽者,本校得停止發給其獎學金。

4. During his or her stay in Taiwan, if a recipient is convicted of violating the Criminal Code of R. O. C. or engages in serious misconduct that affects the university‘s reputation, his or her scholarship will be revoked.


XII. The Guidelines apply to students who have been admitted before (and including) the second semester of 2018 academic year.


XIII. Sources of funding: Scholarships specified in the Guidelines are funded by subsidies from the Ministry of Education, the budget allocation funds of NKUST (including self-raised income) and teachers’ self-raised funds. The quotas of scholarships will be adjusted according to the available funds of the current academic year.


XIV. The Guidelines have been approved by the Administrative Meeting and take effect upon approval of the President. The same procedure should apply for any amendments or revisions.

(Note: The Guidelines have two versions. One in Chinese and one in English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two languages, the Chinese version shall prevail.)